Marketing & Advertising Services
Whether building brand identity, defining target market & demographics, generating new custom marketing campaigns, increasing leads and prospects, or analyzing advertising conversion results; Advertising Solutions has a wealth of experience for our client’s needs.
We offer big advertising agency services, at prices affordable for small businesses; no additional licensing fees, or on-going requirements. Build, customize and market as needed with pay-as-you-go update and marketing services.
The following are some of our advertising and marketing services to help your business grow and prosper both online and offline:
Digital Marketing & Advertising Services
In the 21st century, a great deal of advertising is done via digital marketing. With nearly two decades of experience, Advertising Solutions has experience to help clients figure out the best digital marketing medium for their particular business needs, and what channels may be most effective to make their campaign successful.
Today’s digital marketing services range from online marketing using both paid and free marketing via social media channels, to paid ads on search engines and their related display networks with PPC (pay per click), to syndication with CPI (cost per impression), to email marketing; digital marketing services are an effective way for businesses to attract new and interested customers.
Traditional & Offline Advertising Services
While it's the 21st century and the age of online advertising, many traditional forms of media advertising are still very effective. Some industries and business receive a better return using digital versus traditional, and vice versa.
However, most all businesses benefit from have some sort of mix between both mediums. Often integrating traditional offline marketing along with new online techniques includings ads, remarketing, and more; can lead to much higher than normal lead generation and return on investment.
Many traditional forms of advertising include everything from print, to direct mail postcards, letters, brochures and more. While digital marketing allows for less waste, there are times and places where having tangible marketing materials or literature are necessary.
Step-By-Step Marketing Assistance
We approach each client as the unique business they are. Our solution consultants take time to discuss each specific company’s needs.
- With new startups, we take time to analyze the potential business model and devise a campaign to help promote awareness and interest.
- For established businesses, we review current marketing campaign history, analyze what has worked, what hasn’t, and what we can improve upon for future needs.
Marketing and advertising services are always tailored to each unique client's needs, often including steps similar to the following:
Demographics & Target Market
Determining a business target market and its customer demographic takes research and analysis. Regardless of industry, a company must analyze their target market, the demographic base of its customers & prospects, as well as determine the best methods and channels appropriate for reaching the intended base.
Analyzation of the customer demographic can include everything from gender perception, to locality, economic statistics, and more. Each business and its needs for determining that industries demographics and target market will be different and should be approached in a unique, custom fashion.
Building Brand Identity Across All Marketing
Building brand identity is important to defining a company, its business and image. Differentiating itself from the competition is imperative to a company's success in today's crowded marketplace; both online, and offline. Having a definitive corporate image helps a company to stand out from the rest.
Once a brand has been developed, it must be integrated across all forms of advertising the company uses. From the website, to social medias, to business cards & stationary, and more; this brand must be incorporated into all aspects of the company's image.
Copy Writing Services
Determine the message of the campaign. There are many factors that come into play when writing copy (content) whether for an online website, offline print campaign, both, or other mediums. From legalities that must be observered, to writing informative content, to persuading the reader to take action; each aspect must be observed to create truly unique and remarkable content that readers and search engine bots find useful and valuable.
Not only must content be human readable, understandable, and engaging; in today's world, online content must be search engine optimized (SEO) so as to attract as much qualifed traffic and leads as naturally possible.
Lead Generation Campaigns
Every business regardless of industry needs to generate business and revenue. The best methods of generating leads can differ from industry to industry, and often from business to business even within the same industry sector.
Depending on the client's unique profile, lead generation techniques can involve anything from traditional offline print, direct mail, and messaging services that are tried and true.
Some industries and businesses may find they can generate leads by simply using social medias. Others in the same industry may find they need to utilize a mixed media approach using both online and offline lead generation techniques.
Opt-In Email Marketing Solutions
Email marketing today is still by far one of the most effective methods of reaching new and potential customers in any marketing campaign. By utilizing a well developed and targeted list of opt-in prospects, any opt-in email marketing campaign can achieve success. It’s all about targeting the right demographic base with a clear and concise message.
Advertising Solutions has experience in helping customers develop the message they want to reach their prospect base, and implementing the campaign while following the laws in place today regarding mass communication and anti-spam laws.
Referral & Upselling Campaigns
Regardless of industry, there are always methods of tapping into a company's existing customer database to generate additional sales and revenue. From upselling existing customers, to requesting referrals of potential like-minded customers; there is always untapped revenue within a company's existing database of customers.
Promotional Item Campaigns
When building brand awareness, many companies engage in using promotional items that have been tailored to the corporate image of the business. From pens with corporate logos, to branded note pads, glassware and much more; there are numerous ways to keep the image of the company on a prospects desk far longer than an email or letter that gets round-filed.
Keeping a company's brand at the forefront of a customer's mind is imperative to awareness, follow-up, and ensuring future sales.
SEO, SEM, & SMM Management
A part of advertising is taking advantage of as much free marketing and word of mouth services as possible:
- Making sure a website follows the best practiced SEO (search engine optimization) guidelines is imperative to driving qualified, free traffic from related search results to a company's website for the potential to convert that traffic to sales.
- SEM (search engine marketing) often utilizes SEO to help in achieving higher ranking in overall search engine results placement
- Proper SMM (social media marketing) management can help improve overall SEO as well as bring in new business via social platforms
All businesses regardless of industry, should utilize these resources for improved overall marketing effectiveness.
Marketing Analytics & Performance Measurement
Measuring and gauging the success of marketing and campaign efforts is essential. It's necessary to review all the data and results from each campaign segment as a piece and how it relates to the whole.
By analyzing marketing performance, trends can be seen and improvements made to increase rates of return.
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